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IOGKF Friendship Tournament Poster 2024.jpg

Friendship Tournament

April 20, 2024

Congratulations to all Taki Dojo students that participated in the Friendship Tournament this year! 


Awesome job by EVERYONE!!!


News & Updates: News & Updates
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Jo Seminar

May 16, 2024

Several members of Taki Dojo attended a Jo seminar lead by Sensei Juge. 


Fun time had by all!!!


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June 8, 2024


Sempai Dave - Nidan PASS !!!


And what a treat..... Sensei James Parker (who used to train at Taki Dojo) also graded.- Sandan PASS!!!


Congratulations gentlemen!!!

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Okinawa Budosai 2024

July 2024

Are you registered for this amazing opportunity to train with the most senor instructors from around the world?!


Check back when you have a chance for more Taki Dojo News!!!


If you have some pictures or news you would like us to share please let us know!!!


Taki Dojo students and their parents are also invited to join our Facebook group for additional news, updates and announcements. 



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